NDS Professional includes two procedures for the optimization of recipes:
− Linear programming (LP) or Linear optimization (Least cost formulation)
− Goal programming (GP) or Nonlinear optimization (Goal-oriented dynamic formulation)
The features are accessible by using Optimization tab after opening of a recipe.
In the Optimizer screen, it is possible to switch the type of optimization through the highlighted button:
Also, it is available the Settings button allowing to open the related Optimization Options form.
Linear optimization options
Nonlinear optimization options
By using Linear optimization options box you can (among other options):
− check Continuous optimization allowing to start automatically the optimization process to any changes in the constraints;
− check Back to the recipe after optimization to access the recipe tab at the end of the optimization process.
By using Nonlinear optimization options box you can (among other options):
− select the Primary Objective of Optimization as minimize ration cost, maximize IOFC (Income Over Feed Cost) or maximize IOpurFC (Income Over purchased Feed Cost)
− select the Secondary Objective of Optimization (optional) allowing the optimizer working in terms of Multi-Objectives optimization
− suggest the Number of solutions which must be shown after optimization (choices among the best)