Computer-based livestock nutrition and management models and decision support tools aimed to apply the correct Precision Feeding Management, improving the accuracy of the predictions and the potential in decision making
RUM&N Sas released the SR-NCPS, acronym of Small Ruminant Net Carbohydrate and Protein System. It is a dynamic computer model based on the structure of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System for Sheep and designed for the evaluation of diets and the performances allowed for Sheep andGoats.
The goal of the model is to predict the requirements and the utilization of protein and energy, based on different influences that could modify demands and use of feeds for productions. Metabolizable energy and protein (ME and MP) requirements vary for animal type, environment characteristics, management and feeding system.
The uses you can make are:
predict the effects on productions of the diet;
predict the effects of the modifications on a digestive and metabolic level on animal performances;
evaluate anda balance the recipe;
satisfy the requirements and estimate productions, for a large variety of environmental and management conditions;
illustrate and predict the effects of some gastrointestinal parameters on feeds utilization;
compare dynamic model evaluations with those made by traditional static systems;
The SR-NCPS model consists of two components:
1. Sheep Module Dynamic model for diet formulation of the following sheep animal type:
Lactating ewes;
Flushing ewes
Dry ewes
Ewe lambs
Fattening lambs
2. Goats Module Dynamic model for diet formulation of the following goats animal type: