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NDS Rumen Fill Model


Incorporated in NDS Professional are the Mineral and Vitamin updates from NASEM Dairy 2021. We updated the requirement equations for most minerals and vitamins and adopted the new Absorption Coefficients (AC

Included in NDS Professional is a new feature called Synchrony for evaluating the balance and synchronization of the supply of Nitrogen and Energy-producing substrates (CHO) to rumen microbes.

Recently, the ability to read the NASEM Dairy 2021 feed library has been developed in NDS Professional.

NDS Dynamics N° 01001: Regulation of Rumen pH and Nutritional Consequences of Low pH + Forage Particle Size: Considerations from field through rumen

NDS Dynamics-official NDS newsletter on Calf starter formulation discussion + Dam nutrition during pregnancy affect future offspring performance

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Revised Nutrient requirements for Dairy Cattle + Integrating concepts of pre-pubertal mammary development and rates of body growth to describe differences in first lactation milk yield

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Heat stress: a challenge for dairy cows and dairy farmers + Another Great Tool: The Feed Inventory management module

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on B3-kd calculator, modifications to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System related to environmental issues and evaluation and management cows’ pollution

DAY 2 AGENDA (9th June 2021) - ONLINE NDS Professional WORKSHOP

DAY 1 AGENDA (8th June 2021) - ONLINE NDS Professional WORKSHOP

ONLINE NDS Professional WORKSHOP - June 8-10 2021

NDS Dynamics - NDS newsletter on Recent update and opportunities of the CHOB3 kd characterization and Accuracy of ME and MP allowable milk in NDS

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Interaction of feeding behavior with rumen health and production in dairy cattle / NDS Management Environment Model

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Modeling and Integrating Metabolizable Energy and Protein Supply and Requirements in Dry and Lactating Dairy Cattle to Optimize Nitrogen Utilization and Managing dairy calves to optimize lifetime eating behavior

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter: RUFAL: determination of high-risk RUFAL based on fat source and accessibility index / Mass Balance: What is it and why is not always 100%?

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Low Feed Intake in Cows and Calves nutrition from birth to weaning

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Impact of nutritional management on dairy cow behavior and BCS profile and prediction in NDS

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Nutritional strategies to optimize growth and performance of calves and heifers and Rumen Fill assessment

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on NDF characterization in NDS

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on NDS Tools to help with 2019 Forages

NDS WORKSHOP 2019 - Sign in now!

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Ideal Body Condition Score profile in dairy cows

NDS WORKSHOP 2019 - 12th Advanced course for NDS and the use of the CNCPS Model

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Transition cows: NEFA or ketone bodies?

NDS Turkey Group

NDS Dynamics - official NDS newsletter on Heat stress: a challenge for dairy cows and dairy farmers + Another Great Tool: The Feed Inventory management module

NDS Dynamics N° 0904

Welcome to our last issue before the summer break. In this number Dr. Giulia Esposito (R&D at RUM&N) gives an overview on how to use the “environment tab” in NDS professional to predict the possible level of heat stress and the consequent changes in requirements and intake related to the different temperature and humidity index that the model calculates. Following, for the NDS UPDATES column, Ermanno Melli (CEO and R&D at RUM&N) will discuss about the feed inventory. We take the opportunity to remind our users about the NDS North America series of online seminars, dedicated to the users in the Americas; the next one, scheduled for the 27 th of August, will be on Rumen Health and Component Feeding Systems . Please continue to follow us on our channels to receive updates on what is new and what is happening at RUM&N and NDS North America.

in this issue you will find :

Heat stress: a challenge for dairy cows and dairy farmers  - By G. Esposito(R&D RUM&N )

-Another Great Tool: The Feed Inventory management module - By E.Melli1 ; D. Weber2 and K. Cotanch2 1R&D RUM&N; 2NDS North America

Click HERE to read the July 2021 issue and HERE to see and download the past issues of the official NDS Newsletter.

NDS Dynamics is edited by NDS North America and RUM&N.