Saving recipes with Farms Structure


You can set a default Dropbox folder for Farms, Location and Pen, that can be different from the one you set in NDS Settings.

When you save a recipe with the Farms Structure enabled, clicking on the Browser Folder button next to the “Save also on Dropbox” option will select the folder where the farms file will be saved. When you select a folder, this folder will be saved for the Farm, Location and Pen of the recipe saved.


This means that after the change of the Dropbox folder for a recipe, if you choose another recipe from the same pen or farm, the default Dropbox folder will be the one that you set before; if you change farm the folder will be different.


Also, in the same Farm you can have multiple Pen: if you change the folder for a Pen, all the recipes in the same Pen will have the same default Dropbox folder; other Pen will have the Farm default Dropbox folder.


Note: this process will not change your default Dropbox folder under NDS Settings, but will change only for the farm structure associated with the recipe.