RECALCULATE ANALYSIS                                                                               


The correct and precise characterization of the feeds is a key point in order to get accurate predictions with biological models like CNCPS.

The import of feed analysis through XML files and the Cloning functions are useful features that allow the user of the NDS Professional platform to manage effectively its feed bank.

However, over time, the equations for the nutritional evaluation of the feeds as well as the Master Feed Library of reference used for cloning can be updated. This may require a re-evaluation of the feeds included in the recipes, with the update of a number of functional parameters for the biological models.

The re-evaluation of the feeds can be performed individually by opening the single feed, possibly by carrying out a re-cloning if the Master Feed Library of reference has changed, then saving the feed through the Save button. It is clear, however, that this can be a lengthy and not efficient process.

In order to make this process more efficient and fast, has been developed in NDS Professional a feature called Recalculate Analysis.


How the feature works


Designed to recalculate and re-evaluate a large number of feeds, the Recalculate Analysis feature has been included in the Feeds section, Utility tab.



1.  Check the Make cloning checkbox. It allows getting the feeds cloned again with the same Master Feed used originally to get it cloned, and it is not necessary to select the new Master Feed as cloning feed.    This means that if the Master Feed Library has been updated, the function will precede to re-clone your own feeds, with the same Master Feed from the new Feed Library. Please note that all your own values remain unchanged. To be more precise, if you have a feed, and it was brought in with either an XML import, or if you manually entered it, the procedure will re-clone only nutrients that have been changed from the base feed originally, via either the import or the manual entry.  It will not replace all the values with the underlying new library values because we do not want to replace the analytical nutrients, only the base nutrients that you left unchanged and came in with the cloning originally.     The same happens if you have a feed that you called up from the Master Feed Library, and then you manually changed only some parameters, based on analysis. The procedure will retain your analytical values from the feed analysis you manually entered into a Master Feed and then you did a Save As.

This new re-cloning replaces only the same fields, not the analyzed fields. 


In the case of the CNCPS 6.5 Feed Library, released in October 2014, the re-cloning will leave unchanged all your own values and it makes three things:

-       Update AAs profile (as % CP and not as % ISR anymore);

-       Update a couple of Kd for protein (PRO A2 and PRO B1);

-       Fills any empty fields, the fields where the analysis do not have values, which should not be there for the feeds previously cloned.


2.  Recalculate analysis command: since the user feeds previously cloned with the Master Feed Library have the reference to the cloning feed as property, the recalculation of the analytical values will update your own feed with the same updated Master Feed.

Through the Recalculate analysis command, after checking the Make cloning check box, you can get this done by:

-        a sub-selection, selecting single feeds then Proceed button;

-        a whole selection, selecting all feeds in the defined division (Forages first, then Concentrates), checking the small check box at the top left of the list, then Proceed button.




The procedure of recalculation may take a few minutes. A progress bar will indicate that the process is ongoing and a final message indicates that the process is concluded.


We strongly suggest to do a backup of your Database before to proceed with Recalculate analysis.