Parking Recipes


NDS Professional allows you to put recipes in parking through the function Parking recipes reachable from the Utility tab of the recipes list.



This tool is useful if you no longer use some recipes. In this case you can put them in parking and hide them from the list. You will be able to restore them whenever you want.




This is the form that allows you to put recipes in parking.

In the Ribbon on the top there are different types of filtering:

-     Animal Type

-     Search: you can search the recipes by ID Code 1 or 2, by name or by description, after selecting from the ComboBox, you can typing in the empty space

-     Farm: You can choose to see recipes of only a farm of the current group

Each type of filtering has a relative button All that show all the recipes of the list removing his filter.



To put a recipe in parking you have to click on the CheckBox in the relative row; with the button Shift of your keyboard you can select different adjacent recipes (in the figure above the ones marked in yellow) and put them in parking at the same time.


There is also the function for parking by date:

Through the ComboBox you can decide if to select recipes from a certain date until now, until a certain date or between two dates.

After this step, you will have to select the range of time and when you click on Put in parking button all recipes of the list in that range will be in parking.

You can do the reverse operation by clicking (after you have chosen the date range) Remove from parking.


When you leave the page, you will not see the recipes in parking.

If you are in the list view you can use the CheckBox Show recipes in parking to show them, otherwise if you are in the tree view you will not see those recipes and there is no option for showing them.




When the CheckBox is ticked, recipes in parking are not hidden, but their rows are grey.