Exporting analysis data and cost of a user list


To export the data of a user list check the Export user list check box in the export panel, after choosing RUMeN as export file type (in the case of an export of an analysis) and the export file path; this option is available for both the Feeds analysis and Feeds costs commands in the Export group (in the Import/Export Tab). After checking the box, a combo box with the names of the user lists will be available, to select which list to export; after selecting a user list in the combo, the name of the file will be set and displayed in the related text box (it is recommended to keep the name unchanged after the creation of the file, since it is used during the import to determine which kind of data are stored in the file). According to the selected export command, the name of the export file will start with “Cst” (costs) or “Nut” (analysis). If the Feeds costs command is selected, one can also choose which costs sets to export, ticking them in the list of check boxes with the costs sets names; the name of the export file, after its creation, will contain the indexes of the selected costs sets (e.g. Cst010203... if the first 3 sets are checked). Please note that the name of the selected sets will be also saved in the export file and accordingly changed in the target database during the import.